- have 1 scuba dive
- go to EDEN park
- partei with the chikadoras
* - gimik at TORESS
- Movie marathon overnight at Jeff's place
* - coffee with a friend* - Jack's ridge dinner
* - finish HOUSE season 3
- watch the MMFF movies
- learn boxing at Holiday
- workshops every saturday- AOCAI
* - cook 1 viand for my friends
=) - finish 1 book
* - date with clao in a pizza place
- date with KAREN
- visit vanessa and may inaanak
- lose 2 kilos
* - soundtrip on my favorite artists
* - COSMO january ish collection
- 1 new best buddy
- 1 new gimik group
=) - apply 1 more job
* - learn about Thailand! My second target destination!
* - be good in teaching
=) -on going. next target
A new year has always new set of goals attached on it...For the first year of the month(JANUARY), I tallied couple of S.M.A.R.T activities that need to be complied before the month's farewell. This is a partition of the inevitable NEW YEARS RESOLUTION that I need to structure before 2009 begins. It's rationale? hmmm... purely to have the SENSE OF ACHIEVEMENT feeling...especially now where I don't have teachers that could grade my effort. Looking back to what I have done for this month is enough evaluation of how my life is accelerating=p
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