SERVICE- lesson from church-1st week


Text comes from: II Peter 1:5-8

The way to become a fruitful Christian
Sometimes, it is easy to claim that we are Christians. We even boast how privilege we are compared to the ones who don't know Jesus Christ. We are proud of His grace... but, the bog question is... Are we acting like one? Are we fruitful Christians...?
God commanded in the bible the following points that we should follow as Christians. Then try to assess yourself..Check the blanks that you think you already have and put an X if you can't decide or you believe that you do not have it as of now....
_____1) VIRTUE - or good character... Do you have a good character? can you become a living testimony of His teachings... Or maybe even as Christians, you still compromise to the lust and leisure found in the world. Are your desires still selfish and filled with envy?
_____2) KNOWLEDGE- do you have God's wisdom in terms of how you should behave as a Christian. Are you enlightened by His Holy Spirit in choosing right or wrong? Is God's Words the basis of your morality? Or maybe you are still too stubborn and do things in your own way without even consulting God.
_____3)TEMPERANCE- or self-control. Can you stop yourself in the times that you have to.... even if it is against the desires of your flesh?
_____4)PATIENCE- or endurance....can you endure the temptations you face? or maybe you are still weak and easily gives in to the worldly delight. Can you stand up for your faith in God? Or maybe your just hiding your light under a bushel so that you can blend to the unbelievers.
_____5)GODLINESS- This is how you live for God and how He is seen in our lives... Are you living a life that is filled with His presence?
_____6)BROTHERLY KINDNESS- Do you have concern for your brothers and sisters? Do you care for your neighbors?
_____7)CHARITY- or also called love... Can you forgive people? Can you still love others even how grave their sins are to you? Can you be altruistic like Jesus Christ...
These are the ways that we can be fruitful in the eyes of God... look back to your answers... are most of the blanks filled with X or checks...
If most of them are X's...then maybe you need to ask yourself what have you been doing lately that are undesirable in the eyes of God. Pray directly to Him, ask forgiveness and ask His guidance. Everything is given by grace... Don't be ashamed as you talk to God because He loves His children...He loves you... And like a Father...He will listen to you.
PM me if you need someone to talk to:) God bless!



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