Page Rank... my very first!!!!

For MONTHS of getting a n/a PR in google.. I finally have a PR for this blogsite (makes me weep for extreme joy).

What is a PR?Having a Page Rank (PR) means google has recognized your site and is seeing it as anIMPORTANT PAGE. In layman's term.. it means that your page is finally RECOGNIZED in the web...:D LOL. It measures your existence...

Having it is like getting your identity.. ;))

A month ago.. I was so worried because I got an n/a rank. An n/a could mean the following:

(1) the web page is new, and it is not indexed by Google yet,
(2) the web page is indexed by Google, but it is not ranked yet,
(3) the web page was indexed by Google long ago, but it is recognised as a supplemental (Supplemental Results) page,
(4) the web page or the whole website is banned by Google."
Having it is like becoming the most hopeless blogger in the web world.. because it could mean that your page is already banned by google. In order to check if your page is banned, in google search engine look up for this:

site:Your site's URL

If your main site page shows up in the result then your site is not banned.
Well, here is my FIRST PAGE RANK...:D Sooo happy!:D Thanks GOOGLE!!!



Anonymous said...

Congratz.. keep it up ;)

Tammy Girl said...

Hi Jean..

thanks!:D hope I can....


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