Do computers have IQ???

Do computers have IQ???

Hi there...
I got this bugging question from a friend: Do computers have IQ???Debates conquered the day after I posted this in facebook. My friends helped me in clearing the topic by presenting their own set of thoughts about the issue.I got these pros and cons responses... Thanks friends!:D

thanks for responding to this debate. Nice to know how firm and witty you get to defend your stand. The main reason why this issue was posted is not to know what is really the answer but for us to exercise our thoughts and be able to learn new insights. :D Human brain is really powerful.. :P Til next time guys!

Rodel Gape: wer'd u get the idea? hehe
maybe based on a omputers AI.. u can compute for its IQ hehe not sure though. :P

Tammy Sulit: what is AI?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it. Major AI textbooks define the field as "the study and design of intelligent agents,"[1] where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success.[2] John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956,[3] defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines."[4]

Mark Jayme: No, it doesn't have any, because we programmed it

Rodel Gape: IQ is used to calculate intelligence ryt? Wiki: An intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests attempting to measure intelligence.
so if we create something to have an inteligence let say the computers ability to think or its AI.. maybe we can calculate its IQ too.

Tammy Sulit: a computer will never become a computer kung ala xa program right? and it is called a computer tungod sa program. If ala na, lata lang xa... therefore. dili ang lata ang ato ginaingon na naay intelligence but the machine itself. So what is intelligence then? It is the capacity to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn. everything can be done by a computer... ayt? once na program xa na maghimo ana... therefore. Naa xa Intelligence. and we can then computer for it's IQ.

Rodel Gape: IQ is a derived score based on tests attempting to measure intelligence. so, yah... without biases.. computers are machines made to do some things... to process think by itself.
..the mere fact that machines do have "AI" its clearly then that we can measure its IQ so it does have some IQ. :)

Jenny-Lyne Rachelle M. Cagadas: Intelligence defined:
According to wikipedia.. Intelligence is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn. There are several ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence may include traits such as creativity, personality, character, knowledge, or wisdom.

Given appropriate programming, a computer can meet the following standards of intelligence. Therefore, one can amply measure it's IQ. Just as Rodel (FC na, first name basis hehe) emphasized, IQ is merely a standardized measurement of intelligence. Having been endowed with the capacity, a computer will display characteristics that portray intelligence. Now, this debate is not a question of who gave the computer it's intelligence, but if it does have it. And the answer is yes. :) Tammy, i agree...

Cesar Noel QuiƱon: computers will never had an IQ since computer have no reasoning and extensive and complex analysis humans have. The human brain and the Human intellect is the most perfect program ever created and can never be equaled by any man mad programs// o ayan ha.. reply na ang mga whole-brained diri sa facebook

Rodel Gape: even though computers has no "reasoning and extensive and complex analysis humans have." does it mean Computers doesn't have any IQ at all? it may not have IQ as humans do..but still it can have some IQ though not exactly as humans have.

Donabel Bulilan: hmmm.. if computers have IQ.. did people start measuring it? Does that mean that high end computers got higher IQ? we all know that a computer is programmed by bunch of programmers.. are you sure that we are calculating the IQ of the computer or just the intelligence of the creator? and besides, IQ is classified as poor-below average-average-highaverage-excellent... LOL. are computers classified that way too? If a computer has an IQ, for sure it is hard to calcuate since there are lots of factors that can disrupt it's accuracy.

Ronald Villapaz: I guess computers also have an IQ. As stated earlier IQ is an attempt to measure an intelligence. The way to measure an IQ is derived from several test and comprehension. So with regard to a computer's standard applications, these machine's IQ could possibly be calculated.

An example is the computer named "deep blue". The ones that defeated the world chess champion Garry Kasparov twice... Since that computer is capable of calculations, to plan, to solve problems (as what a chess player supposed to be doing), therefore it has an intelligence that is needed for acquiring an IQ. Given that the tests should be based from its actual application. If a computer is programmed to do that certain thing; like deep blue then its IQ in playing chess is definitely excellent. But I'm sure his IQ is low in "waka-waka".hahaha.:p

Jenny-Lyne Rachelle M. Cagadas: Rodel is right. Computers may not comparably display all facets of human intelligence as we do because of certain limitations. But it certainly does know how to reason and analyse.

As defined by Wikipedia:
Reason refers to mental faculties that generate or affirm propositions, by activities of the mind such as judging, predicting, inferring, generalizing, and comparing.

Given the right programming, computers can accurately predict, compare, generalize and deduce information. Without the bias of emotional and instinctual reflexes, computers may even come up with a more logical explanation and forecast the results of certain circumstances. There is a pattern to everything and that is what computers recognize and use for their reasoning. Man may work on it through a different approach, but that does not demerit the intelligence that computers have.

Rey Phil-Oyao: computer is made by human...walay iq ang computer...ang human(tao) ra jud ang naay iq kaysa computer....human should not be under with computer...thats all...thank you. bow..NAKS..(",)

Donabel Bulilan: IQ is commonly measured by Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R test). In this test you need to measure someone's:

* Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
* Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI)
* Working Memory Index (WMI)
* Processing Speed Index (PSI)
and each has subtests on it. Basically it is measuring the HUMAN BRAIN. Now tell me... can we create a computer that is almost like the human brain?

About Ronald's example DEEP BLUE:
Deep Blue chess computer had 256 chips, which could evaluate and consider all legal moves from a certain position in one electronic flash, orchestrated by a 32-processor mini-supercomputer. It examined 200 million chess positions a second. Chess programs, on unaided general-purpose computers, average about 16,000 instructions per position examined. Deep Blue, when playing chess (and only then), was thus worth about 3 million MIPS, 1/30 of our estimate for human intelligence. But his intelligence is just for Chess playing. Basically, all the components for IQ measurement should be present before we can measure it. How can we make all of these factors present then? LOL... we need to make a human-like brain then and I think for now there is none.

Ken Songcayauon: naa IQ..! best example autobots and decepticons!

Ronald Villapaz: @Donabel

Somehow you were correct. But we were not certain that the acronym IQ or the definition of IQ is absolutely the real deal of IQ. Sorry to say but I do not believe on all of the "wiki's" definitions. We can tell in layman's term that IQ could probably be a result of adding the term intelligence + quotient. And I believe that computers already have intelligence. How about the quotient? It was said in basic arithmetic that quotient is the result of division. Therefore we were talking of a part resulting from an equation. In my understanding, having that intelligence to evaluate and consider all legal moves from a certain position in one electronic flash could be an intelligence quotient resulting from the division of all the required intelligence that comprises a human brain. With all due respect your honor, a computer is partly capable of having that intelligence quotient at least but not everything that we were likely to expect in a regular IQ test.

Donabel Bulilan: @ Ronald

Humans have created the concept of IQ and it was STANDARDIZED to measure ALL the aspects of intelligence. The quotient will then be generated after answering questions that are made to represent an aspect of intelligence (analysis, memory...). Intelligence + quotient will never be enough to define IQ. Since a quotient doesn't only mean a result of division, to get the quotient you need to have a dividend and a divisor: you NEED the standard questions in here. That will then be analyzed and be compared in a bell curve. Check if the IQ is poor, average or excellent.

If your claim is: computers have intelligence, then yes I agree (that's what you call AI). But it will never be enough to be tested for an IQ exam. NEVER! If it is, tell me how to test it then....

Carlos Christopher Go: Autobots and decepticons are still figures of man's imagination. We cannot make it as an example for now. @ donbel. Yes I agree. Testing the IQ of a computer will never get you an accurate result. Since it is created to be perfect in English... store the highest memory it can or analyze excellently base on patterns. If you force yourself to test it though, aside that you can't get everything you need, it will surely result to a perfect ENGLISH/perfect memory result. All units can do that. Given this, you can never make COMPARISONS.. all computers will perfect the test because it is designed to answer it. We even use computers to check IQ exams. LOL

Tammy Sulit: To dona and carlos:

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R test ) is a tool Standardized to test the IQ of a single human. We can never use this to test the IQ of computers. We all know that a computer's software is well planned by bunch of programmers and not just by a specific person. If you force yourself to use this tool then you'll end up bluffing yourself. It will surely generate the most EXCELLENT result, or even perfect it.

Testing IQ is a concept made by people to get your intelligence and compare it to others. We may not have it now, but we can also formulate an exam that can effectively test the intelligence quotient of computers base on relevant categories. Maybe compare it's memory capacity, how fast it can process data or how exact it analyze patterns. Having these categories ,instead of using the WAIS-R can generate a more accurate result since it is designed to test the IQ of computers. COMPARISON can occur because as observed there are those slow ones. and oh... you will need a different bell curve for that to check the result. LOL. It doesn't mean that since you cannot test it using the WAIS-R concept then computers doesn't have IQ. It's intelligence belongs to a different category and shouldn't be tested using an EXAM for humans.

Computers aren't smarter than humans... it is just that it is created by a group of experts which is designed to be perfect. Thus, it is surely smarter than 1 individual. More heads are better than 1 right?

Andy Salcedo: the way i see it! It's simple as this:

FACT: Human beings have unlimited IQ potential and so we came up with computers. right?

FACT #2: Computers are built to perform various tasks designed by its creator.

FACT #3: YOU ALL ARE JUST CONFUSING YOURSELVES WITH THE TERM 'AI' AND 'IQ'! In debate language, they are just the same! in this debate,

AI = Computer IQ! Ok!

So here's the conclusion. Humans - lazy as we are - designed programs for computers to perfom various redundant tasks. Eh Tamad nga tayo eh! and who would want to compute 1+1 for millions of times a day? right?

The catch it, We place human IQ on computers - AI - to perform tasks but computers are limited only to that level of IQ. In short, wala sila IQ POTENTIAL pero naa sila permanent level of IQ or AI!

Rodel Gape: I think this debate or so implying this is one.(haha murag tinuod. maybe i'll consider joining the debate team. haha :P)
So far is there any clear conclusion already?
I've been into this, this morning that i took time to read stuff about IQ.So does Computers have IQ? as the matter was first pointed out. I believe it has, since machines does have intelligence no matter if its created or just an imitation to what humans have, the fact is, it does have intelligence.
But just as Mr. Christopher Go commented on this matter, we should never make COMPARISONS. for there are factors that a machine cannot comprehend and a human cannot compete with.
...but still there is this fact that machines or some has been made to think for themselves without human intervention on processing the input to achieve a desired goal.
and so, if it has intelligence, so too can we measure it.
as " Prof. Zadeh coined the term MIQ, Machine Intelligence Qoutient." (try to google the term 4 more info :) )

Andy Salcedo: And we will never reach a conclusion! haha. Goodluck guys!

Rodel Gape: @Andy Salcedo
I think you got it. You must've a hig IQ. :D
I agree to all that you pointed out.. I mean all, including the Transformers thing. good one.

"yaw-yaw much!" -andy salcedo ...this would sum up all. hehe

...I think we now can measure machines IQ, MIQ. just google the term. :D[Photo]

Andy Salcedo: Haha! Masyado niyo kasi pinapahirapan sarili niyo! haha... But reading everything you posted here was refreshing. hehe. Intellectual masyado mga tao! which only implies that we're better than machines and their stunted IQ/MIQ/Bar-b-Q! haha...

But if you would like to discuss further, BAHALA MO! i rest my case! hehe...




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