I am not stalking.. I am just researching!!! -anonymous

How many times do you check your crush's facebook wall? Or ask your common friends her attributes? Or desperately wanted to "hack" her social network accounts? This is what I call as the new age stalking- "restalcher".

Yes, you are not the type who follows him/her around or gives her weird notes saying "from your secret admirer" but you know what is happening in her life (every detail of it). You are definitely a new age stalker. I have enumerated 10 attributes of a restalcher, if you score 7/10 and more...then welcome to the new age stalking world! lol!

1) You know exactly her personal information- this is the basics. But knowing the info of that someone including her siblings, in a relationship with _____, favorite movie, favorite quotation, activities, hobbies, school attended... even her "facebook likes", then that is definitely something. You will never know these unless you spend a chunk of your time reading her personal info page.

2) You know her latest profile picture- You never miss out checking if she has already changed her profile picture. More points if you even know when she changed it.

3) You watch every link she posts- You are really curious about her thus everytime she posts a link to a movie, music, article she watches, listens or reads, then you take time visiting it. That way you will know her interests... and check if it matches yours.

4) You LIKE her latest status or pictures- You can't help but to click the LIKE button everytime she changes her status. You immediately see this in your Home Page. More points if you even notice the minutest details such as the latest friends she accepted. hahaha..

5) You view her profile 3 time and more a day!- Honestly speaking, no one will visit someone's profile that frequent.. except if you are stalking this someone.

6) You know when the person is online- You know when that person is online in your chat box maybe because you categorized her differently (by making a group which she is the only member). This one will make her profile appear at the top of all your friends. You also know when she's online cause you have noticed that she made updates in her FB.

7) You're also connected in her other social network accounts. - You can't help but to also add her in her tumblr, follow her in twitter and blogspot, add her in YM, multiply, myspace, and even in her old dumped friendster.

8) You research her in google- This is the point where you want to dig more info about that person, so you can't help but google her. You type in her name as your keyword and bang... more info about her appears. You also research the information of her family and see if any chance you are connected. lol. With this, you will know information of her from other people's point of view, keywords usually come up when a blogger writes things about that person.

9) You want to hack her account!- By getting so desperate to know more info, and maybe she has blocked you, or you have noticed that she has a lot of private albums which you really want to view, then you want to hack her account. You copy the email address from her info page and like a fishbowl, you choose the probable password of her account. If you are quite genius, you may have tried the "keylogger" or social engineering softwares... hahaha.

10) You come out as the #1 stalker of her in her facebook application. LOL! What do you expect??? These applications normally calculate your number of interactions with this person. Since you can't stop yourself from commenting, writing wall posts, liking statuses and photos... then facebook interpreted that as stalking. Don't panic though, she won't know if you play it friendly... hahaha...

So what is your score???




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