My career Path

I thought after I pass the local board exam... it will make my mom elated with happiness and pride... But this day started with arguments. YES... ARGUMENTS on my career path...

These past days, I'm applying as VIRTUAL ASSISTANT in an IT outsourcing company... well, to be honest... it is kindda incoherent with my College degree, but I like it... I feel passionate about it. That kind of mindset pissed my mom... she wanted me to immediately look for jobs that are related to my course... Well, I can't blame her... this was her chosen course for me...

I like nursing(no question about it) but I love computers too...

So what happened?

The discussion ended with this solution...I'll pursue my application to the job, then, I will review for NCLEX at the same time and take masteral classes on weekends! LOL... Sounds impossible right? But guys, I believe I can do it... with God's grace I will!



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