Modographer: Model or Photographer???

It's Sunday (July 19 2009), sharp 1:00 pm...

My cam is ready to take great shots of the models we have for today. The photoshoot will be held at an abandoned building in Bajada Street. Theme? .. GANGSTER!!!!

The team D40 (Raphael, Kiev, Gemini, Kieve's friend and me) will be the photographers for the day. Our group name is derived after the Nikon camera we all own.

Before the event, I and Raphael decided to meet at victoria plaza and go to the location together... We ate lunch since we haven't had one. And I had a short tutorial with Raph regarding camera setting.. which was actually so cool since I have learned new insights from him. ^^ Thanks Raph!!!!

In the mid of our conversation, it was interupted with the news that the models for the shoot backed out since they got so drunk the night before and had hangover that time. T_T

It was really funny yet a disappointing news... The dilemma was to pursue or not to pursue the shoot. All are ready except that we don't have models to shoot! LOL!

Raphael...then "kindly" asked me if I can replace the models. I think it was also mentioned that Kiev's friend will also take place as a model so that I can take photographs. Given the nice agreement.. I agreed. Since all our preparation will be put to waste if nobody will give in.

We arrived in the area. The place was really cool... :D However, my impromptu outfit didn't look gangsterish (if such word exists! LOL). But it was okay for them...

So the shoot went on... For my poses.. I thank America's Next TOP model who gave me creative ideas on how to strike a pose. LOL...

The feeling was really weird! It was my first time to do a "pseudophotoshoot" since my previous experiences were just products of peer vanity nothing more nothing less... I was conscious of my face, body, hair, eyes... probably everything. Pose here.. Pose there.. pose everywhere!!! @_@
The shoot ended.. and I have to leave early since I got another appointment that day.. bye guys...

After then I realized that I didn't had any shots for that day..:( but maybe it was meant for me to learn and experience posing so that I can effectively direct models I'll be shooting in the future. That way.. I have learned one character of a photographer... "empathy"-->stepping on other's (model) shoes! LOL.

P.S. Ate Gemini had her own story to tell...:P



jigs said...

I like the whole concept of posing and taking the shots. very nice. angayan man diay ka mag model tam.


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